Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm pretty much a Pacifist but.....

My blog has been quiet lately (for me). Sorry about that. However, whoever started the rumor (probably Rush Limbaugh or Ann Colter) that federal government employees don't work at all should be shot. Or work my schedule the past two weeks (and the next 2 months). Sometime, I'd like to not leave my house at 6:00 am and get home after 6:00 pm (or 8:00 like today) and still get everything I need to get done accomplished. But, I really do love my job, and well, I have a job. Those are two things I'm super thankful for. I've also had a ton of people help me, contact me, and just appear out of the woodwork in the past two weeks (professionally and personally). Really, it's been a crazy-good two weeks.


Nicole said...

Your sounding like a democrat now blaming everything on Rush or Ann.

Joy said...

Well, they both do suck. And I've thought that for years. But I may have put that in there to tease you a bit.

Janette said...

At least you're staying out of trouble...?

Nicole said...

wow, you are one of those worky worky people i mentions on my weekend blog.......good job sherpa (:

Nicole said...

oh yeah - anytime politics comes up in our house i have to put on my rush radar...."richard....is that your original thought or have you been listening to rush today?"

Steve said...

It just goes to show how ignorant those two people are. 99.5% of governement is NOT the politicians you see on TV, it is the dedicated CAREER people that do the 9-to-5 (or 6 to 6!) BS for years and many administrations that gets stuff done. Besides, what "job" do either one of them have? Sitting around bitching and talking and generally being rude isn't a job, it's a social nuisance! What value added to they bring to anyone's life, unlike our dedicated DOI employees?!?!? Maybe next time they go to a national park or the National Mall or Arlington Cemetary, they should be barred! hahaha.

Joy said...

Nicole-Thanks. I wish I wasn't, but I am.

Nicole-Kudos to you for calling him out on it. :)

Steve-I don't think they're ignorant, I think they know exactly what they are doing in riling up those that listen to them, and its damaging to civil discourse. I totally agree!