Last year when I was in the hospital, I only owned two pairs of pajama pants. Although I was wearing a gown, hospitals in November are chilly-and gowns are cold. Needless to say, when I got out of the hospital (and washed those pants the next day), I told myself I'd own five pairs of pajama bottoms. Kind of an irrational thought, but one I decided to carry out. Because I own a sewing machine, I decided to make those pants. I've made a pair here and there, retired the original pajama bottoms, and now own five pairs. The first pair or two were serviceable, but by no means fine quality sewing-even though pajama pants are simple to make. One pair I've had to go back and reinforce the butt-another pair shredded in the dryer, I didn't read the washing instructions on the material which said hand wash only. But the last four pairs I've made aren't too bad. Here's a picture.

I'm doing everything I can to stay out of the hospital this fall short of being bubble joy or being accused of being OCD, but it feels good to have this goal completed and more options of pants for lounging!
I've sewed other things in the past twelve months-table cloths, curtains, a few bags-enough that I'm pretty sure I'm up for more difficult projects. I even cut out the material for a skirt for work-but I'm terrified about starting it. Who knew that a pile of fabric could be so intimidating?
Sew, sew, sew! Be my inspiration!
Uhm, what are you doing that you need a 'reinforced' butt on your pants?!??! :)
Good job on the sewing AND staying out of the hospital.
Steve-Um, not telling.
A simple sewing machine stitch on clothes when you sew on cotton needs to be reinforced with a zig zag stitch. You need to sew a simple stitch and then a zig-zag stitch for several reasons.
I made a pair of pajama pants using repurposed sheets. They are the most comfortable clothes item I own, but I was lazy when I sewed them. The seam between the front of the pants to the crotch and to the back of the pants ripped out because I was lazy and didn't reinforce it. So, I went back in-sewed the regular stitch, reinforced it with a zig zag, and it's been great.
Thanks. I'm feeling confident enough with my pants skills to make Kelli a couple of pairs of scrub bottoms and even maybe a scrub top. She really wants me too, but I've been hesitant about doing it for several reasons. I may surprise her with some for Christmas.
The skirt I cut out that I'm terrified involves darts, simple pleats, an invisible zipper and a back vent. I've done all of the above before, but I'm petrified to do it by myself.
Stay Well this year. :)
I'm jealous and impressed with your sewing abilities (yes, even pajama pants). I still don't know how to thread the little bobbin thingie on my sewing machine.
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