Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Being Married Sucks
(According to Britney Spears)

"I have to tell the maid to buy diapers and get the pool boy to walk the dog? Can't I just make out with Kevin all the time? Being Married sucks."

Britney Spears, complaining in Allure magazine about the responsibilities of family and stepchildren.

Any bets as to how long this is going to last?


HOO said...

They've already made it longer than I thought they would. But afterall, he does have that k.Feda-lizie animal magnetism, that must make being one of the richest women in the world worth all the trouble.

John said...

It's got to be tough being famous, have all the money you can ever want, and live in the public eye all the time. I ought to know. I don't have any of that and it's a pretty easy life from where I stand. So it must be really hard for them. Strange logic?