Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I'm a fairly private person, but I continually have crazy mis-adventures and was told to share this one on here. The last two days have been no exception. Monday night I was in the shower and noticed a mole on my back hip that looked like no other mole on my body. I know because I checked out the others scattered throughout my body. So I scratched at the mole and it started bleeding. I thought, maybe it isn't a mole maybe its a tick as I've spent a lot of time outside. The problem was I haven't been outside in the woods for a while and its still really early spring here in Virginia. Then, the wound emitted some yucky junk, so i was like it might be a tick.
I finally convinced myself to go to the clinic yesterday as the infection had spread somewhat. When I arrived at the clinic, I found it is closed on Tuesday.

After class last night, I finally told Kelli about it. She started doing online research, I was doing the same and the big topic was should I go to the emergency room (i abhor emergency rooms when I'm the patient). Kelli called poison control on a whim who said there was no way you could have a tick in your body that long. So, I finally decided to tell Moss, my medical student/(graduates in May) about it. He saw the photo I took, (technology rules) and said it wasn't a tick (whoo) but possibly a crazy cancerous mole, and yes they do emit junk when scratched. So I'm going to see a dermatologist and am much better about the fact that it probably is not a tick. Ticks freak me out. After the incident Kelli and i were looking at photos of ticks, much like other people read scary stories even though they are unnerving.

Thanks Moss!!!


Robin Alexa said...

Well get in there as soon as you can and get yourself all fixed up! And stay out of the sun!!!! :)

HOO said...

I'm sorry I caused all that cancer...