Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Betty got me hooked to what incredibly is an addicting game. Somehow, dragging and dropping states onto a blank map of the US is addicting.

What's your high score?



Cindy Bean said...

Ugh... My first score was an 84%. I don't know where to put ANY of those Eastern or Midwest states.

Anonymous said...

My first try was 86%, but my average error was only 16 miles, so I don't feel too bad about it. It's just trying to put something in there without a reference line.

I did better on the second try, but West Virginia gets me every time--it's just so hard to know exactly how far it is from the coast. 96% w/ 3 mile avg. error the second time. Very fun!

HOO said...

The worst is when you get arkansas or Iowa straight out the chute...but I usually manage to kick it up an notch after that.

steve said...

82% 52 miles on first try... now I am hooked.

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Delaware and can't remember ever meeting anyone that lived there. Does it actually exist? What's there to do and see?

erinannie said...

Sherpa and I went to Delaware once. They have outlets there. We spent wisely.

(my score was 96% with an average of being 16 miles off. but that is what happens when nebraska and arkansas comes first.)

mj said...

92%. Yes this beats working.

M.A. said...

88% and 26 miles on my first try

did better after that- this is stupidly addicting