Valentines Day ‘06
Walking to and from work everyday, I pass by the steam vent next to the GSA building. During DC winters, these steam vents are home to at least 5-10 homeless guys. As one was waking up this morning, he looked over at me walking up and said “Happy Valentines Day!” My morning was made by having that guy give me my first Happy Valentines Day of the morning.

I have a confession to make. I like Valentines Day. I’m a (now) not so closet romantic.
Although, I get made fun of using words like darling from friends who are more used to a cynical me---I believe in love and think Valentines Day is a fun holiday. I don’t even remember if I’ve actually been dating someone over Valentines Day. I remember going on dates on this day, I think in College I got conveniently sick on Valentines Day so I couldn’t go out with a red haired neighbor. Even though I’ve been “single” for every Valentines Day that I can think of, I’m not a fan of the name “single awareness day,” even as I’ve gotten older and think about my singleness more. You see, I’m an idealist. I think Valentine’s Day is just as much as a tribute to romantic love as it is to platonic love and an appreciation for the people in our lives.
On Valentines Day, my heart goes to my family-extended and immediate. I’m not sure if they know I appreciate them, but I do. I also think of my other family. Since I’ve lived out in DC for nearly 5 years, my family of sorts has been a network of friends, in real life and online. We’ve helped each other through our 20’s and I could sit and write here anecdote after anecdote about how they have helped me out.
Happy Valentines Day!
Let's try this again...I heart you!
Girl!! Thanks for coming along last night. I'm glad that you have fun Snoopy cupid to balance my dead one. lol. Happy Day After!
I love Valentine's day also even though I'm a single
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