Friday, June 02, 2006

The Best Beaches in the World...or why I think Yahoo Travelers are Crazy

Yahoo Travel asked their readers to rate the 10 best beaches in the world. Obviously these individuals want different things out of their beach experience then I do as Virginia Beach and Myrtle Beach rated their top ten. Virginia Beach? Virginia Beach? Virginia Beach is actually not bad in the winter or spring, but not so much in the summer. I wonder if one of the factors was the number of put-put courses near the beach.

Kaanapali, Hawaii
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Cancun, Mexico
Miami, Florida
Panama City, Florida
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Phuket, Thailand
Santa Barbara, California
Mikonos, Greece
Virginia Beach, Virginia


erinannie said...

hey, someone put a statcounter back on her blog

Joy said...

yup. But I still get to mock you.

Anonymous said...

I've been to three of these. I feel so special.

Trude said...

obvioulsy not many yahoo travellers have been to Australia .. hah

Joy said...

Obviously. I don't think these people have traveled much past the East coast. Myrtle and Virginia???? The State park in Myrtle Beach is pretty cool, but I can't think of too many redeeming factors about Virginia Beach.

HOO said...

Well, I'm trying to think what beach they could mean in Santa Barbara....there's a harbor. There are some really rocky stretches in front of hotels. Santa Barbara is a nice town on the coast if you want to term it that way, but it's not like you would "go to the beach" in santa barbara with chairs and blankets and coolers and all the regalia.

Steve said...

Funny, my gf and I saw that list and we immediately thought someone at Yahoo was joking. They should seriously asterik that list with "*list compiled by people who have never left their cubicle and looked at pictures on Flikr to compile list".