Right now James Bond (the franchise) must be sitting on the top of the world. Their latest movie scored a 94% rotten tomato rating, both men and women are buzzing about this movie. However, since Daniel Craig was picked to play Bo
nd, professional and arm chair reviewers have been arguing about whether or not Daniel Craig is good looking enough to play the Bond. Personally, I wasn't quite sure until the pictures from Bond came out (specifically the pictures of his pecs and shoulders, but I digress). This past week after reading a few articles about Bond and having this same discussion with a couple of friends, we came to the same conclusion. From the pictures and trailers alone, this Bond is hot..he's not classically handsome, but he's got raw sex appeal, the type that Steve Mcqueen, a young Sean Connery etc had, or as a friend says, "He's sex on legs."
Update: At church, two of my friends brought up to me how hot this James Bond is. Daniel Craig=serious buzz
Duh! Why do you think I'm such a huge Layer Cake fan?
He's no Pierce Bronson, but he does have that sex appeal you are talking about. I always loved Steve McQueen and you are right he does look a lot like him. McQueen was not an "in your face" kind of guy, he had sex appeal in a quite, elegant type of way. He will probably do a good job as Bond.....
I posted my Bond blog. Check it out when you get a chance. Let me know what you think!
Funny you mention this. The ward's choir director mentioned how hot the new Bond is during practice yesterday.
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