Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Virtual Scrapbook

My supervisor's supervisor's supervisor told me to scrapbook the following, but I'm just going to put it up here so you can mock me or tell your friends you know someone who wrote a memo that was poked fun of in the Washington Post. Yup, today on Page A19 Al Kamen published a memo I wrote last month in his column and made jest of it. No, my name isn't Marilia Matos, but that's my memo.

Wintry Work
Heartfelt apologies. We failed to alert readers to an important telework meeting on Nov. 30 at the Interior Department. We're hearing that it will be repeated in the next few months -- watch this space for details. Meanwhile, here's the e-mailed invite from Interior's Marilia A. Matos, director of the Office of Human Resources.

Subject: Brown Bag Telework Meeting
With the wintry weather fast approaching, the price of gas fluctuating, and the threat of pandemic on the horizon, telecommuting is seen as a valuable option for eligible employees.
All employees and supervisors are encouraged to attend this informal brown bag presentation by OPM's telework team, highlighting the benefits of telecommuting. A question and answer section will follow the presentation.

Works for any and all pandemics.


HOO said...

Um, I just got out of a training meeting, so I don't have any brain left. Someone explain to me what he was "mocking". Looks like a plain ol' run of the mill interoffice announcement email.

Sara said...

Oh good. I didn't get it either, but at least I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

the pandemic line at the very end. that's the punchline.

Anonymous said...

haha. Now I know two people who were poked fun at in the Wash Post. I almost feel like I'm inside the Beltway again.