Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


Joy said...

Kelli, Chelsea, and I in Peru May 2003. Kelli and I are going back to Peru a month from today. Chelsea is a proud parent to a baby girl born on the 5th of April.

amelia said...

oh i am so jealous. that's a place i really, really want to visit.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Yes, but did you lock arms and sing "Climb Every Mountain" as you went over the trail? Fraulein Maria would have, you know. With a smile on her face and joy in her heart too.

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

You are the travelingist (new word, like it?) girls I know. I always let poverty hold me back. You on the other hand? I'm thinking you might have a magic pony that when you pull its tale it makes gold. That or you're a lot better at saving than I am. Either way, looks like fun.

Jenn said...

Looks like so much fun!!