Monday, December 17, 2007

7 things about me: Christmas Joy Edition

No Surf tagged me for one of those memes.

1. I fall in love at least once a day. Sometimes it’s a guy on the metro, or it’s a skirt or piece of clothing someone is wearing, a piece of fruit I’m eating, a picture I see, a piece of artwork or even a chocolate chip cookie. I pity my future husband, because I sometimes wonder if monogamy can work for me. Well, I might share my cookie, but only if it doesn’t have oatmeal in it.

2. Cardinals scare me. Oh, they are gorgeous birds, and I like looking at them when they are in a tree, but I’m still not comfortable with seeing a little red streak coming towards me when I walk out of my house. A pair of cardinals live in our neighborhood part of the year, and the male liked our yard in the mornings. He and I would startle each other at least two or three times a week. On top of that, one of my co-workers has a plastic cardinal that squawks when you walk by the bird in their office. Even though I know the cardinal is there, it still unnerves me. Creepy Cardinals.

3. When I was a little kid (like four or five) I thought conifer trees shed their leaves just like deciduous trees. The reason is that the trees up on the Ashley Forest above where we lived were going through a massive bug kill and a good percentage of the trees were dying about the time I was four and five.

4. My first birthday cake was a fruit cake. My parents were traveling and at my mom’s aunt’s house for my birthday. No one made me a cake, so someone stuck a candle in a fruit cake and the family sang to me. The funny thing about this is I only learned about it a few years ago because my mom was mortified the family did this. The story still makes me laugh.

5. I have a hard time not laughing when someone asks me, “so do you get more or less gifts since you were born on Christmas? Or “does it suck being born on Christmas?” Um, I was never born another day, and I haven’t tallied up the difference between the number of gifts my siblings or friends got compared to me. I still get asked these questions, and I can’t help but thinking, ‘um, I’m an adult, there’s more important things than getting gifts for Christmas.’ Okay, maybe not. Viva Ludi-Christmas (30 Rock Reference).

6. I really wonder about my taste when I shop for souvenirs on vacation. Some of the things I buy while out of country? So very, very tacky. So horrendous, I can’t exactly give them away except to Goodwill. I should probably work on that.

7. If I were to get a tattoo, I now know what it would look like. No, it wouldn't be a drawing of Bob Dylan, it would be something like this. Isn't this the coolest tattoo ever? Okay, even if you haven't seen my souvenirs I've purchased in the last couple of trips, you're probably seriously wondering about my taste. That's alright. Still the coolest tag.

Alright, I or someone like you. I also apologize if I seem a little punchy in this post. I've had a steady diet of sugar and caffeine this afternoon.


Laurie said...

I had no idea your birthday is on Christmas! Could you possibly be any more interesting!?

I adore you SO MUCH for saying "Luda-Christmas"!!!

Salt H2O said...

I'd never pick you to have an Oingo Boingo logo for a tatoo! Then again, the poetry of "Only a Lad" and "little Girls" does stir the soul..

ChelMo said...

If you like mariachi skeletons (or Oingo Boingo), you should check out my husband's vinyl art. His first piece is a mariachi-playing, Dia de los Muertos version of Sancho Panza.

I don't think that your taste is so bad, and I probably encouraged most of the beautifully-tacky items you bought in Peru in '03. Tacky souvenirs are an absolute must have for the seasoned traveler. They say "I LOVED my vacation, and I don't care what you think!" Good for you for sticking to your bohemian ways!

Trude said...

that is a great tattoo. I'd put it on a part of the body that can move .. like errr .. my flabby tummy ? hah ..

Although if I were to ever get a tattoo . it would be a gecko or other such type lizard .. stretching from my hip to my belly button ..

Steve said...

I'd totally buy that tattoo for you for your bday! It rocks.

Unknown said...

I'm lame. When I was in high school, I secretly wanted to get a butterfly tatoo.

And then I learned that butterfly tatoos aren't the best, especially if one is in jail. Or is that just for men, I dunno.

Thanks for fulfilling my tag quota :) I didn't know you were born on Christmas. That's really neat. I think it would be fun, actually.

I'm praying that this baby will wait out the new year at least...

Joy said...

Laurie-Yeah, I'm a christmas baby. Thanks. Luda-Christmas...what a great episode!

Salt-Oh, that is Oingo Boingo's logo. I'm so not in touch with that band, I didn't even realize it. Well, I'd get the skeleton trumpet player anyway.

Chelsea-I've got some stuff from Mexico I just shake my head at, but we bought some great stuff in Peru. Come to think of it, I think you and I have similar taste in souvenirs. I'll have to check out your husband's art.

Trude-A gecko would be pretty sweet.

Steve-tempting. Oh, so tempting.

Nosurf-We're on baby countdown, aren't we.

ShaBANG said...

Oh, my Christmas Joy! So diggin the tattoo. I've always wanted one and still do. I'm crazy though, i'd get a black raggedy ann flashing a peace sign. Yeah, I know, it's soo not like me.
Love the tag :)