Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mexico--Por Fin

Back in August of 2006, Kelli and I went to Mexico City, Oaxaca and Puebla. I started writing about the trip and organizing photos in July. I finished tonight. By this rate, I may finish all the trips I've taken the past three or four years in 2010. Yeah. Anyway, here they are if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

Great job organizing the photos and writing about the trip. I can tell it was an unforgettable experience!

plainoldsarah said...

wow what a trip! i spent my high school years living in mexico city - thanks for the memories. i only wish i'd done half as much when i lived there. my life mostly consisted of going to school - that sort of thing.

Joy said...

You lived in Mexico City? That's awesome. How did you like it?

Shannon said...

That was great fun reading about your trip. It made me hungry.

Jillian said...

I need to finish getting ready for work...cause I kind of had the most exhausting weekend ever. But I have got a 'facials/massages in mexico' story to share with you. ahhhh but I can not do it justice right now!! blast....I shall return.

Your trip looks about 100% better than mine. Good for you!

Joy said...

Jillian-Love to hear it

Shannon-Yeah, we ate our way through Mexico. Ah, I miss Mexico.

Jillian said...

We decided that we should go to the spa and get facials on our last, and probably only, Mexican Vacay. I was wearing a halter top swimsuit but didn't think it would get in the way....cause it was just a facial.

Without a word, in English or Spanish, chick had my top untied and down around my waist before I even knew what hit me. Then she proceeded to slab all sorts of strange creams all over me. I thought, "Ehhh guess this is how we do facials in Mexico."

Best part- we weren't even in a private room. We were sitting out on 1st floor patio (with people walking all around). It's alright, I've got nice boobs. But being the good friend that I am, I did give the heads up to my more modest traveling partners.

Joy said...

That is the best Mexico story. Especially since, you weren't in a private place. Awesome.

Shannon said...

That is awesome! And so Mexico.