Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Thing 2 and Thing 1

I've been a member of the Department of Interior Toastmasters for a few months now and although I'm more or less a deadbeat toastmaster (anyone want to write my first speech for me), sometimes we get to do cool things. Yesterday for Dr. Seuss's birthday (and my dad's) we were asked to read the Cat in the Hat to elementary classrooms here in DC. I got to read to a room full of kindergartners and it was great. The little kids were a trip. There were a couple of very inquisitive kids, a bossy one, several shy and sweet kids...all in their little uniforms of dark pants and white shirts. Definitely an experience I'd like to do again.

Here's a picture of the Toastmasters that attended.


Anonymous said...

What a cool thing for a group to do!

Steve said...

You get props from me; I've always told myself I should join, yet never have and probably never will, haha.

Joy said...

I wouldn't be a member, but I was asked to by my supervisor. Ouch, I know.

Smokey said...

You going to go back to school and be a teacher like your father

aisy said...

you have the best outfit. i know it's not related at all to the post.

Joy said...

Smokey- I plan on following in his footsteps and going back to school after I retire.

Aisy-Your comment made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

LOL I don't have to ask you for the TA couture report. Awesome. I'm sorry I missed that day. I was looking forward to reading to kids, but I had my share of "my womb feels unemployed" moments while at Disney all week. I'll have to share my war stories and then some when I return. I made Monday my AWS day, maybe unbeknownst or unsanctioned. Too bad, though, I'm at home taking care of unfinished business!

Putz said...

put cat in the hat with these other books, chamber by john grisham, and his new book"the Appeal",coyote waits by hillerman, snare of serpents by victoria holt, and those new vampire books by that girl from provo, byu...i just read them last month

Joy said...

Barlow-I'm not following what you're dishing out.