A couple of months ago, my parents were in DC seeing the sights. They had just gone to the Smokey Bear Museum off Independence and my mom asked me if I knew why my brother was nicknamed Smokey. I said, "well yeah, the fire crew he was on in Salmon, ID started calling him that because he looks like Smokey Bear." She replied, "I always thought it was because he was a firefighter, and he got smokey, or dirty, until I saw that animated Smokey the Bear. Richard looks JUST like him with his beard." It's true. My mom has two sons. One looks an awfully lot like Leonardo Di Caprio and the other is the spitting image of Smokey the Bear.
Happy Birthday Smokey!!
i think he is as good looking as steve, that's your other brother right???
Putz-Both my brothers are good looking-
My brother is Steven, but he never posts on here-Steve that posts here isn't my sibling, we've never even met!
Actually, I don't even exist, Putz. I'm Sherpa's imaginary online friend! haha.
I always forget your brother has my name, no wonder it's never worked out between us, cuz that might be kind of creepy for you, haha.
Steve-I always thought we never worked out because you don't exist!
See, Sherpa is doing it now just to add comments to this post!
We don't work out b/c your Y is too pricey for me and I joined the Gold's over on South Glebe for only $37 a month!!!
Steve-Hmm, I pay 38 dollars a month at the Y.......
Do you qualify as a student or something? I know you told me you got the family package, but that is $95, thus not worth it for us for two people.
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