Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Wordless: All of my Pictures from the Ecuador/Galapagos trip Edition.

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Brenda said...

HOw did you do that?

Joy said...

I clicked a button.

I use Picasa to organize photo files and do some edits before I upload my pics. I use Picnik for their other editing tools. Both are free programs by Google. They both have collage options. I simply selected all my photos in an album, and then hit create collage and went from there. Wait, do you want me to do a post on how to do this? Give me a week or two, and I will.

Brenda said...

Yes, a post would be great. Ever since grad school became a distant memory, I've slowly but surely slipped into a technological abyss. You know you're losing it when other people have to show you how to do things on the computer :( I'm there, I'm afraid.