Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wind Rivers II

So, the boys took a 4 day hiking trip in the windrivers. Yesterday's theme was random shots and fish. Today will be a couple of photos of my bros.

This is Steven. He's into (his perfect life is fishing 365) fishing, music, current events, snl, and the outdoors. He's single and 22.
Rich is 25 next month. He's studying Civil Engineering, follows baseball and football religiously, plays soccer, raquetball, runs regularly and enjoys reading novels and teasing. Single also.


steve said...

This is Steve... likes life and IS SINGLE!!!!! HELP!!!

LOL!~ had to be said! And I can rock pleather pants and medallions and I will rock for food!~

steve said...

More? I would HIGHLY suggest JUly 2nd and July 5th on my blog to understand how early the medallion man started!

Lucy Stern said...

Has Bonnie met Rich yet? She's 27, but that's close enough.