This is a "doughboy" statue honoring the citizens of Uintah County) who served in foreign wars. Their names are on the base of the statue. Its located in front of the Uintah County office buildings in Vernal, Utah. Vernal is my hometown.
Dan-yes, I saw it on my bloglines this morning. Your kid is cute, as always.
Steve--there's a bunch of people that do this "wordless wednesday" thing. After seeing it on various blogs, I decided to participate.
I'm first again. Great photo.
My 44th WW is up too.
Great shot!
Hi Sherpa!
That´s a very nice shot and I hope you don´t mind when I ask you where you´ve taken it. I´m blogging from Germany - so I don´t know it =)
Nice photo.
Happy WW
Hello great shot, i also don't know where it is?
Happy WW
Hi! I love statues and flags!
Great photo!
I like the pose.
Makes you want to cheer.
Enjoy your Wednesday
Honor our great men and women of the military.
What is "WW"? What is this picture of?
Nice picture!
That mottled sky in the background really sets it off.
hey Sherpa, nice photo. We've got ours up too. :)
Great capture! D :)
I'm curious, too, about where that particular monument is located.
A dutiful wordless!
Wow! Very patriotic.
Sanni, crpitt, beckaboo-
This is a "doughboy" statue honoring the citizens of Uintah County) who served in foreign wars. Their names are on the base of the statue. Its located in front of the Uintah County office buildings in Vernal, Utah. Vernal is my hometown.
Dan-yes, I saw it on my bloglines this morning. Your kid is cute, as always.
Steve--there's a bunch of people that do this "wordless wednesday" thing. After seeing it on various blogs, I decided to participate.
That is so cool. Gives me goose bumps
Very powerful photo.
Happy WW!
Very patriotic! I love it!
I might have to adopt WW (Wordless Wednesday) too... only could I EVER be WORDLESS?!
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