Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


letha said...

Ouch, bet he wishes he never missed that one.

Anonymous said...

Taking one for the team. ;)

Frozen Okie said...

Wow, I feel immature for thinking that is hilarious.

Oh, as for albums I'm awaiting- Wilco was one of the best shows I've ever seen, and I've liked all of their albums, I just don't ever find myself being impatient in waiting for a Wilco album.

Although, it looks like I'm going to have to find an extra couple hundred bucks this may for the music I want to buy.

Anonymous said...

That's going to smart....

Mama Duck said...

Owie!! Happy WW - ours is up as well.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's what I call concentration :-) And probably taking the shot too, because that's a fantastic picture.

My WW is: “Slip On The Ship”

(Because of our fabulous cyber cruise that starts now on Friday the 16th of March with many fantastic destinations such as: Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Alaska (!), US, Italy, Dominican Republic, Australia and other mystery destinations!)

Welcome to cruise :-D

Anonymous said...

ouch. bet he misses a lot less often after that

Janet said...


Linda said...

Oh snap son!

ann said...

Ouch, that looks like it could be quite painful! Great picture!

An Ordinary Mom said...

Spring training must be here :)!!

Donna. W said...

Ouch. Happy WW.

Joy said...

Caption Explanation: 17 More Days till Baseball Season!
I noticed this picture on the Yankees blog I read regularly called Pinstripe Alley.
I thought it was a really cool shot--even though it had to have hurt afterwards.

Mike--yeah, I'm looking forward to the new Wilco,--but I hear you about finding the extra money for all the new albums coming out this year. Every week I hear of a new favorite coming out with an album this year. It's crazy. Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to bjork or tori amos. Guess we'll call it even.

Mary said...

Ouch! Happy WW! :D

Anonymous said...

I know that hurts, but being bad, I have to say I am glad its a yankee.

Thanks for visiting.

My WW was taken in Branson Mo.

Celeste said...

Made me clicnch my legs together!

Anonymous said...

Is that Jeter?

Joy said...

Mom-I think so...but it doesn't quite look like him. Look at the muscles coming off of his knee joint though. Wow. Unidentified Yankee will never have knee problems.

ADDollhouse said...

Okay, so maybe I am bizarre for thinking about this but I do not know baseball, like, at all... hypothetically, if he squeezed his thighs together right then and "caught" the ball as in it did not fall to the ground, does it count as being CAUGHT? Or does it HAVE to be in the HANDS?