Someone in Sunday School says that you can't herd sheep the same way that you can cows. Then she goes on to say that sheep have to be led, they can't be pushed or they won't go the way you want them to go. It was all I could do from raising my hand or turning behind her and saying, "Um, that's a myth, have you ever herded a sheep or even see the movie, "Babe," but I kept my hand down, and my mouth shut--
but I did laugh a little inside, and pictured my dad wearing a robe, holding a staff and wearing tevas, being followed by his little sheep herd. Or better yet, my Uncle John wearing a robe, holding a staff, and wearing tevas being followed by my dad's sheep herd (you'd have to understand how much my Uncle John hates sheep. We could never chase the cows when we were little, but we could always chase my grandpa's flock after my grandpa passed away. It was very enjoyable for a 7 year old. As a proper cattleman, John hates sheep with almost every fiber of his being. When he has grandkids, I doubt if he'll ever give the kids stuffed lambs.)
but I did laugh a little inside, and pictured my dad wearing a robe, holding a staff and wearing tevas, being followed by his little sheep herd. Or better yet, my Uncle John wearing a robe, holding a staff, and wearing tevas being followed by my dad's sheep herd (you'd have to understand how much my Uncle John hates sheep. We could never chase the cows when we were little, but we could always chase my grandpa's flock after my grandpa passed away. It was very enjoyable for a 7 year old. As a proper cattleman, John hates sheep with almost every fiber of his being. When he has grandkids, I doubt if he'll ever give the kids stuffed lambs.)
In my defense, I had to think a little about herding sheep. Another reason I've lived on the East Coast way too long.
Note: I felt a little bad for posting this since the lesson the next hour was about forgiveness and how we should never gossip. Bot not badly enough to not post it since the real purpose of this post is to dispel mormon myth!
Updated: It doesn't say anywhere in the Sunday School manual about the technicalities of leading sheep. That section is in my comments section. Oh, and I'm cracking up a little about how focused I am on this.
So, I was looking for a nice, respectable sheep picture..and then I found this. If you're offended by it, I apologize. I'm sure the play was just a romantic (perhaps a chick-play) about two sheep finally finding love.
sherpa... it would have been hilarious to correct her. just like my friend thought it was hilarious when i was trying to get a cow to move by calling to it like a dog or a horse. i learn day by day.
you mean the play wasn't about New Zealand .. ?
My roommate was saying that it said in the lessonbook about leading and herding sheep. I checked it out, and saw that it didn't. Hmm. Crazy mormon myth.
Jesus teaches that he is the Good Shepherd.
Read and discuss John 10:1–15, 25–28. In these verses, Jesus described how a shepherd would protect and care for his sheep. Explain that in Jesus’ time, sheep were led into an enclosure called a sheepfold for the night. One of the shepherds would guard the door while the others went home to rest. If a wild animal got into the sheepfold, the shepherd would give his life if necessary to protect the sheep. In the morning, each shepherd would return and call his sheep. They would recognize his voice and follow him to pasture.
• In Jesus’ discussion of the shepherd and his sheep, whom do the sheep represent? (See John 10:4, 27.) Who is the shepherd? (See John 10:11.) What are some qualities of a good shepherd? (You may want to list these qualities on the chalkboard as shown below.)
a. He knows his sheep, calls them by name, and leads them (John 10:3–4, 14).
b. He is the door of the sheep, allowing them to enter the fold to be saved and find pasture (John 10:7, 9).
c. He gives the sheep “life … more abundantly” (John 10:10).
d. He gives his life for the sheep (John 10:11, 15).
• What is the difference between a shepherd and a hireling? (See John 10:11–14.) How is Jesus the perfect example of a shepherd? (Using the list you have written on the chalkboard, discuss how Jesus exemplifies each of these qualities. See 2 Nephi 9:41–42 as you discuss how Jesus is the door of the sheep. As you discuss Jesus’ willingness to give his life for us, see John 10:17–18.)
• How do sheep recognize their shepherd? (See John 10:3–4.) How can we hear the Lord’s voice? (See D&C 1:37–38; 18:33–36; 97:1.) How are we protected when we know and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd?
If you are using the video presentation, show “The Shepherd” and “The Sheepfold” now.
• Who are the thieves and robbers who try to enter the sheepfold? (See John 10:1. They are people who try to harm the Lord’s followers or lead them astray.) How can we discern between true shepherds and those who try to lead us astray? (See John 10:10.)
• How are the sheep rewarded for following the Good Shepherd? (See John 10:9–10, 28.) How have you been blessed for following the Savior?
I appreciate that you are captivated by the intricacies of moving sheep from point a to point b. I had the exact same thought when I heard the exact same comment in the exact same Sunday school lesson, but I lacked the exact same restraint and as such made a comment to the good brother next to me that that was ridiculous. And now, I'm glad to find I'm not the only one who thought so.
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