Dear Employee with a Blue Tooth:
This morning as I walked into the public bathroom that I share with 30-40 other women on my hall, I couldn't help but notice you talking policy in the chair that is in the bathroom. You were well dressed, and obviously either got out or was waiting for a meeting. However, as well dressed as you were, and important you wanted to probably lost a few points with the other person on the line when they could hear toilets flush while you were talking to them. Yeah, conducting business in a bathroom? Probably not real classy not to mention pretty inappropriate.
Concerned Employee
I conduct business in the bathroom ... but it has nothing to do with telephones. Oh yeah.
Yeah, I've seen the picture....
with the creation of the cellphone, nothing is private anymore. i have heard drug deals, fights, and more than my share of overheard conversations. what happened to the good ol' days where you had to really prty to learn things?
hee hee hee! I think it's so ridiculous to hear people on the phone in the next stall.
That is so annoying. How is anyone supposed to get any reading done there if she is yapping all the time?!?!?
Dear people walking around with those blue tooth thing-a-majiggers ALL FREAKING DAY in the office: Ask yourself, "Self, am I REALLY that important? Do I really prefer having this thing in my ear all day on the off chance that someone might call me to grabbing my cell out of my pocket? Do I enjoy looking like a BORG?"
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