Monday, August 02, 2010

The Hawaiian Haystack Manifesto

I'm a fan of potlucks and church dinners. Food cooked by a bunch of different people? Awesome. I get to eat classic "Mormon" food I don't normally prepare for myself in addition to other dishes, plus I get to talk to people I don't always see while eating. Pretty much a win-win situation in my world.

However, a Hawaiian Haystack themed potluck is one thing that Mormons should put out to pasture permanently. White rice, canned chicken, pineapple and chow-mein all mixed together? I'll eat it, but it's my least favorite "potluck" theme ever. Of course, if I keep talking like this I have a suspicion I'll be asked to be on the activities committee next.

If you love Hawaiian Haystacks, feel free to comment, I promise not to ridicule you, but if you have a more disliked theme for a potluck meal, let me know.
Lungs: I've gone from sounding like I have a six pack a day habit to a one pack a day habit. Progress!


plainoldsarah said...

way to cut down on packs!

as for the haystacks - i LOVE them and wish i could eat them once a week. or at least once a year. i have a hard time with soup potlucks because there are SO many and i like to sample everything but i can't exactly have 10 bowls in front of me. plus, there are too many crockpots to plug in.

Brenda said...

Yeah for breathing better!

Haystacks: I don't think I've ever had it at church but I love the version my mom makes. The best part? Onions soaked in vinegar.

BTW: I'm always a little suspicious of cream-based things that show up at potluck. I love the funeral potatoes my mom makes but can't stand all those horrid recipes that actually make it to funerals (the ones made w/hashbrowns and cornflakes are particularly horrid).

Unknown said...

I hate those potlucks where everyone brings meat. So there's ntohing for my husband to eat. Like, ward barbecues :(

Anyway. Hawaiian haystacks are not something I've had a lot of. So maybe that's why they sound delicious to me right now. Green Jello, also.

Can't help the fact I grew up in NORCAL, where people bring tabouli and ice cream made of breastmilk to ward functions.

Laura said...

Hahaha! "Can't help the fact I grew up in NORCAL, where people bring tabouli and ice cream made of breastmilk to ward functions."

Um, haystacks. I have to admit I quite like them but I don't love them. Bizarre but nice. Stuart absolutely detests them. I like mine like this: rice, chicken, soup, cheese, corn, onion. Yep.

Brenda said...

Breastmilk ice cream? Ick and sick.

Nicole said...

i have an overabundance of milk and thanks to you an ice cream maker. any takers? haystacks sound rediculously good right now, as do funeral potatoes.........mmmmmmm cornflakes and hashbrowns.